tell me this night is over

åh jettsanes! hjälp! the ark! den låten! 2003-flashbacks! peace&love05-flashbacks! i die! DEN LÅTEN!

why should it be so bad to be bad when it's so hard to be anything at all?
and why does everyone seem to forget what it's like to be all alone,
as soon as they have got someone?
no it's no fun, it makes me wanna vanish and die.
you get so silly when you're lonely
and you think that you're the only
who say:

I hope that someone's gonna call and tell me this night is over,
'cause I wanna start living my life before I get much older.
well, I hope that someone's gonna call and tell me this night is over,
'cause I wanna start living my life before I get much older.

maybe you all would consider it a joke if I say that I hate myself.
but now and then when I look into the mirror all I see is a big mistake.
(and wouldn't you?)
well, I just wanna be fun, just wanna be the one who makes you smile.
well, I just wanna believe that I could be something to someone.
am I the only one around here who's not gonna live my life in fear?

ni som har missat ola salo's texter har missat något. och då menar jag verkligen MISSAT något. och gospelkören på slutet. gåshud deluxe. jag fattar inte hur de INTE har kunnat bli världens största band än?

Postat av: josselainen

kajsa uppdateeera, jag har tråkigt!

2006-12-04 @ 17:17:25
Postat av: jossilainen

popcornparty it is! friday we say. vi är såna glädjemänniskor!

2006-12-05 @ 10:52:44

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